In this question, one parent is homozygous recessive (bbee) and other parent is dihybrid (BbEe)
B - black fur dominant trait
b - white fur recessive
E- black eyes dominant
e - red eyes recessive
a punnett square shows all the possible combinations of genotypes with the corresponding phenotypes that the offspring could inherit.
the genotypes and their phenotypes for the offspring are given below ;
BBEE / BbEe / BbEE / BBEe - black fur and black eyes
Bbee / BBee - black fur and red eyes
bbee - white fur and red eyes
bbEe / bbEE - white fur and black eyes
after analysing the punnett square the following results are obtained;
black fur and black eyes - BbEe- 4/16
black fur and red eyes -Bbee - 4/16
white fur and black eyes - bbEe - 4/16
white fur and red eyes -bbee - 4/16
Turgor pressure is equal to the outside pressure of the atmosphere
Photosynthetic organisms require light, in which the sun’s rays can only go so far
The energy flow pyramid goes from decomposers to producers, meaning that if producers are dying out due to lack of nutrients, there must be something wrong with the decomposer population
Different environment cause different species to "<span> Become more diverse" this process is known as "Adaptation" which changes the characteristic of an organism according to its environment
In short, Your Answer would be Option A
Hope this helps!</span>