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Microscopes are one of the laboratory tools used to maximize the visual acuity of a certain specimen, it maybe a living or non-living organism or object. Thus, microscopes are widely used in these laboratories to increase microscopic observation with entities that cannot be perceived thru the naked eye. However, for scientisits to determine such specimen is a living thing if there's a presence of cell. Cell cannot be viewed via the visual organs alone but with the microscope a living specimen can be discerned with its characteristics such as cellular structure, slight and fidgety movement and other particular details..
To find the extinct species and their divergence of characters can be studied using molecular genetic techniques.
- Paleontology is the study of ancient species and their remaining that were found millions of years ago. These species extinction can be found and manipulated to find out the origin or divergence of species from their origin
- The samples of these species may contains their remains that help the biologist to isolate and analyze their protein or DNA. when the DNA is isolated their sequences can be generated using molecular biology techniques.
- When the sequences are identified by advanced molecular biology techniques, the existence and similarities of different species due to their convergence or divergence can be identified.
- By identifying the convergence or divergence the characteristics, evolutionary change in behavior, variation in appearance can be studied.
- By using these techniques, biologist have found that <em>homo sapiens</em> are 99% have their similarities with chimpanzee
- Thus, using genetics in paleontology helps us to understand adaptation a species is changing according to the evolutionary changes.
it has greatest/highest density
The energy pyramid describes decomposers compared to energy lost as heat. Primary producers start at 100% and it decreases to 10% at primary consumers, 1% at secondary, .1% at third level, and .01% at apex.
The biomass pyramid describes the total mass of an organism and as a biomass moves up, the overall mass is losing volume. This means it decreases as it moves from the bottom to the top.