It protects people from excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments.
Gandhi adopted the term “civil disobedience” to describe his strategy of non-violently refusing to cooperate with injustice, but he preferred the Sanskrit word satyagraha (devotion to truth). Following his release, he continued to protest the registration law by supporting labor strikes and organizing a massive non-violent march.
Congress has exclusive authority over financial and budgetary matters, through the enumerated power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.
The probability of getting tails and spinning on a red is .
Since you can flip either heads or tails with the coin and there are 8 different spinner possibilities, that means there are a total of 16 individual possibilities. Out of the 16 different outcomes, 3 of them match the requirement of flipping tails and spinning on a red, so the fraction to represent the situation would be .
They agreed to not use nuclear weapons.
To lessen the threat of an accidental nuclear war, the United States and the Soviet Union agree to establish a “hot line” communication system between the two nations. ... The United States had discovered that the Soviets were building missile sites in Cuba capable of firing missiles with nuclear warheads.