Answer: C. Their camera
Toolmarks are the impressions left by an object or tool on it's contact surface. Toolmarks are searched and collected in a crime scene to relate a link with the tool which has created them. In crime scene investigation, toolmarks found in the scene of crime should be photographed by the analyst in close range, mid range and overview range shots in order to record it's original location, shape, size and number if multiple tool marks are present.
Homeostasis is maintaining an equilibrium or balance. Human bodies only function under very specific conditions, so it is important to maintain them through homeostasis. Otherwise, the proper conditions to function will be missing and we won't be able to function at all.
<span>These are organelles.
An organelle is the part of a cell that has a specific purpose in a cell. The structure of the cell is made up of many different organelles. The chloroplast consists of chlorophyll and the cell wall. The chloroplast helps with photosynthesis. Animal cells do not contain chlorophyll as they do not need photosynthesis to generate energy. A plant is unable to turn the sun's rays into a food source without photosynthesis.