Las unidades de Mendel se conocen ahora como GENES
Durante sus experimentos, Mendel demostró que las características de las plantas de guisante (por ejemplo color de la flor, color de la semilla, forma de la semilla, altura de la planta, etcétera) eran heredadas, y denominó "elementos" a las unidades portadoras de dichas características. Es decir que cada elemento o unidad discreta, era el responsable de que la planta exprese una u otra característica. Estableció que estos elementos se redistribuían independientemente uno de otro, generación tras generación. Con el paso del tiempo y el avance de las investigaciones, estas unidades o elementos fueron denominados <em>Genes</em>.
Green algae is divided into chlorophyte and chlorophyte. It possess chlorophyll a and b.
Bryophytes includes the liverworts, mosses and hornworts. It is know tracheaophytes I.e. is not vascular without extensive transport system, it needs water to reproduce sexually. It's Gametophyte is dominant and stomata are absent. (Hornworts possess stomata; it's related to tracheaophytes.
Ferns have vascular tissue, xylem and pholem, stem, root, leaves, dominant sporophyte. It's sporophyte possess rhizomes and fronds plus sporingia aldo called sori. Ferns are seedless vascular plants.
Gymnosperms includes the conifers, cycad e.t.c. It has its ovules resting on a scale. The ovules later develop into the seed. These seeds are naked as there are not enclosed in the chambers.
Angiosperms have flowers and fruits and show diuble fertilization. This is a huge clade that consists of all flowering plants. Unlike Gymnosperms
They develop enclosed in chambers known as ovaries.
On the basis of the given information, that is, the ape exhibiting small incisors and biphodant molars, shows that they generally consume fruits and seeds as the prime part of their diet. Thus, mainly the apes feed on fruits, leaves, and seeds, thus it makes them vegetarian.
However, it has also been observed that canine teeth are found in both males and females, though they are larger in males. This shows that apes can consume meat from small birds and animals occasionally.
Option (A), (C) and (D).
The concept of law of dominance was explained by Mendel while working on the pea plant <em>Pisum sativum. </em>According to this law, the trait which is able to express itself even in hetrozygous condition, the trait is called dominant trait. The trait that are unable to express itself, the trait is called recessive trait.
Here, T means tall and t is short. T shows the dominant trait whereas t is recessive trait. T trait can express itself in heterozygous condition as well. So, TT, Tt and TTTT shows the tall individuals and tt is short individual.
Thus, the correct answer is option (A), (C) and (D).
Answer: The student get full credit for attending the field trip. Submitting trip evaluation is optional.