The teachers present at the teacher's lounge could be there for a variety of reasons, for example it could even me a meeting of the supporters of the school uniform! his sample is therefore possibly biased - there is no way of knowing that it represents the whole population. He chose it because it was convenient to him - and the answer is "a, convenience sampling"
<span>i think the article would be very likely geared towards Winning the publics favor to prevent passing the bill.
They will probably form an interest group so the bill will not pass. If the bill passed, it will potentially reduce their potential income from that age group</span>
Answer:fewer resources are left to make something else
There was no unified state that could grow all parts of life equally so they had to depend on trade in order to get goods that they needed from each other since they couldn't develop all parts of production or manufacture. Ones would for example have a developed pottery industry while the others would have mastered making Olive oil so they would trade in order to get what they needed because they couldn't make it on their own.
The two smallest forms of government in the United States are a county and a municipal state.
All states are subdivided into provinces for smooth management. It acts the first-tier administrative section of the states in order to manage their own issues. The municipal state was developed in order to provide general administration for a particular region which mainly dependent on the population of that area.