The function in C++ is as follows:
int isSorted(int ar[], int n){
if ( || ){
return 1;}
if ( < ){
return 0;}
return isSorted(ar, n - 1);}
This defines the function
int isSorted(int ar[], int n){
This represents the base case; n = 1 or 0 will return 1 (i.e. the array is sorted)
if ( || ){
return 1;}
This checks if the current element is less than the previous array element; If yes, the array is not sorted
if ( < ){
return 0;}
This calls the function, recursively
return isSorted(ar, n - 1);
1. There can be a run out of something ex. The water cycle we could run out of water if evaporation stops happening
2. Something wont happen ex. In a shoe factory if no one is boxing the shoes the shoes don’t get boxed.
Hope this helps
deep blue IBM's chess-playing computer
I doub between:
<span> C) A series of 4 full size, but individual tweets (with the tweet copy appearing above the first image of the series) D) A collage format, with full size images</span>