Judicial branch keeps both the legislative and executive branch in check by reviewing legislature.
1. Greeks ate dinner while laying on their sides
2. They invented the yo-yo
3. 1/3 of the population was slaves
Answer: FIXATION is an aggressive defense mechanism in which an individual keeps up a dysfunctional Behavior that obviously will not solve the conflict
Explanation: Fixation is when someone is fixed to an aggression that will not allow him or her to see reasons with the other person in a conflict. This is mostly seen when hard drug takers are aggrieved, it is always very difficult to calm them down, to see reasons and understand the other person. Fixation is also seen when someone has endured alot in a conflict, when such person becomes aggrieved in the conflict, the person is likely to be fixed with aggression. Any conflict that tends to be difficult to settle, the parties involved in the conflict must have been fixed to aggression.
I think the B Tanzania is the correct