In the statements prior to the given statement, the author makes their opinion clear. The introductory sentence states, "How can a human being with any claim to a sense of moral responsibility deliberately let loose an instrument of destruction." Off of this statement alone, it is evident that the author strongly questions the morality and ethicalness of dropping a nuclear bomb. It goes on to state "This is not war: . . . this is pure nihilism."
Thus when the author states "strikes at the very basis of moral existence?" they strongly believe that dropping a nuclear bomb is immoral and unethical, they question the meaning of being human if "the very foundations or morality are overthrown" by dropping a nuclear bomb.
I hope this helps.
The judicial branch (supreme court) can declare laws unconstitutional. This is a check because the legislative branch can create laws.
39 out of the 55 delegates signed the constitution
In the book ii ch 4 p88, confucius outlines a life devoted to learning and the pursuit of jen. it shows that attaining the status of the gentleman or superior man is a life long pursuit achieve only through a sincere devotion to self cultivation. is also demonstrates that if such devotion is carried out, one can follow his or her heart's desire without concern for moral quandaries.
I believe what kept it from that was the British king, sense people in America (Americans) had issues with the UK for randomly taxing them and taxing them at high prices to.
I’m not sure if that’s right, but that’s what I think