Previous Section Evolution of the Virginia Colony, 1611-1624; Next Section Establishing the Georgia Colony, 1732-1750; Virginia's Early Relations with Native Americans. Those living in the area where Jamestown was settled must have had mixed feelings about the arrival of the English in 1607.
Members of the House of Representatives<span> serve two-year </span>terms<span> and are considered for reelection every even year. </span>Senators<span> but, serve six-year </span>terms<span> and elections to the </span>Senate<span> are staggered over even years so that only about 1/3 of the </span>Senate<span> is up for reelection during any election.</span>
Answer:b) voluntary simplicity
What is voluntary simplicity?
Voluntary simplicity in simple terms is choosing to live a simple life without demanding too much materialistic things or riches of this world.
People adopt voluntary simplicity in order to make their lives to be as simple as they can be for them and their families as a result putting less stress on the environment as they demand less and less from it.
Voluntary simplicity discourages the idea of searching for happiness in wealth and the belief that one can be happier only if they have accumulated more materiaristic things of this world.
When people have chosen voluntary simplicity it reduces the demand they put on environmental resources which has a positive impact on the environment .
People who live this way believe we are free to have enough but not more than what we need.
Instead of looking for expensive goods, cars and big houses they choose simple life where one can own just one car( less pollution ) in an average house
The correct answer would be, It lessens the chance that bias will affect the review process.
Grant proposal reviewers are people who review the proposal came to them to approve or reject a grant. They select the proposal on the basis of certain ground to approve the grant. If there comes a proposal, which conflicts with their interest, then it is better to get themselves removed from the review process, because if they do so, there are pretty fair chances that they become biased and can reject the grant on the basis of their own views. So if they get themselves separated from the review process, it would lessen the chance that bias will affect the review process.