It is important for Latin America to diversify it's economy because for one thing, L.A. wouldn't have to take the risks of a failed business by relying on one crop or resource. Another reason is that more diverse crops or resources brings in a steady amount of money with varied products, and L.A. would be taking their chances by just relying on one crop/resources.
3. The Supreme Court redefined what constitutes a handgun under the Second Amendment
When the Supreme Court enforced the decision in all states that individuals have the right to own a firearm at home for self-defense, the Supreme Court redefined what constitutes a weapon under the Second Amendment.
This is because it is the second amendment that establishes the citizen's directory and duty to provide their own security through firearms. In other words, according to any citizen amendment, regardless of gender or color, being of legal age and being psychologically healthy, you can have a firearm that guarantees your personal safety whenever necessary.
Bellarmine said, " the commentaries of modern writers on Genesis, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Joshua, you would find that all agree I'm explaining that the sun is in the heavens amd moves swiftly around the earth, and that the earth is far from the heavens and stands immobile in the center of the universe..."
A pure market economy is sometimes called pure Capitalism.
The real-world exemplification of a pure market economy is named a market-oriented economy or capitalism.An economy, or economic framework, that depends only on markets to designate assets and to reply all three questions of allocation.
political uncertainty
Political uncertainty refers to a situation when there is no clear acknowledgement on who has the right to govern a certain territory. Civil wars tend to be the main cause of such uncertainty since the current rulers could be overruled by the new ones at any moment.
In terms of business, expanding to a new territory that has political uncertainty usually seen as a risky move. For example, the new government could've just increase the tax rate that couldn't be afforded by the company. Or even worse, just taking the resources by force.