The constant growth model will work best on companies that are categorized as mature and that they have a relatively predictable earnings because having this type of company will allow the constant growth model to work best by which the growth model will be in a constant shape and does not tend to change.
It’s not a stand-alone program
C. The government-wide Statement of Net Position and the proprietary funds Statement of Net Position
CAFR ( Comprehensive Annual Financial reporting ) is provides accurate, summarised, and meaningful information. There are three sections of this reporting as below.
- Introduction
- Financial
- Statistical
In government-wide statement, The capital is reported on the net basis on financial statements.
Check the explanation
Rachel Carson received numerous attacks by agricultural and chemical industries due to the book she wrote called -Silent Spring', where she explained the repercussions to the atmosphere and that of human health in the using pesticides.
She has been tagged as a radical and unqualified scientist whose knowledge about science is limited. She was also accused of wanting to protect the lives of all the insects that spread diseases in humans and plants.
However, if we read concerning whom Rachel Carson was and what she stood for, we’ll notice that the arguments in various quarters are completely misguided.
She was an exceptional scientist and a writer on science topics, she investigated and cautioned on how the chemicals that government spread in the farms to kill pathogens insects, are also dangerous to all living things including humans.
Some of the chemical industry representatives even in this present time still do not concur with her; they are only concerned how to produce and sell more chemicals and they don’t even worry about their environmental consequences and damage. This is reason they prefer to berate her work and researches.
Net present Value (NPV)
The net present value (NPV) is one of the tools used in business for appraising the desirability or otherwise of projects or investments. It compares the present value (PV) of cash inflows with the present value of cash outflows over a period of time. It is the difference between the present value of the future cash inflows from an investment and the amount of initial capital outlay that gives either profit or loss.