An authentication server server tracks who is logging on to the network as well as which services on the network are available to each user. It also does the job of providing a network service that applications can use to authenticate the credentials, that are oftentimes account names and passwords, of their users. Authentication server is also used as the basis for authorization.
file_name = 'orders.txt'
file_obj = open( file_name, 'r' )
lines =
print(lines.upper(), end = '')
- Define the name of the file
- Use the built-in open function to open the file in read mode
- Use the built-in read function to read the file and assign this to lines variable.
- Finally display the lines by converting them to capital alphabets by using the built-in upper() function.
Photo metadata is a set of data describing and providing information about rights and administration of an image. It allows information to be transported with an image file, in a way that can be understood by other software and human users.
mention the statement dude
Option D
Firefighting is when network managers deal with network breakdowns and immediate problems instead of performing tasks according to a well laid out plan.
Network management is a process of monitoring, operating and controlling the network. Various network managers spend most of their time firefighting- dealing with breakdowns and urgent problems.
If managers do not allocate enough time planning and organizing the network and networking staff, they are intended to be reactive rather than proactive in solving problems. A term that refers to reacting to network problems as they arise rather than relying on planned network management activity