At that time, cotton was considered as cash crops. Is the type of agricultural crop that generate high amount of income with very little investment /efforts. Many southern plantations sold the cottons to Other manufacturers in Europe since they need it as materials for textiles, outdoor equipment's, and beds.
This made a lot of plantation owners in the South had a need to obtain lands in order to open up new factories. A lot of lands near them at that time owned by Native Americans. So, the government forcefully removed the natives from the ancestral land and move them to reservation.
a dictator has complete control
The questions above were posed on a debating website and some of the results are shown below. You task is to write your own response
to the questions above. You should aim to write at least 110 words saying why you think the ToV was fair or unfair to Germany. You should
also say what Allied leaders did you most agree with and what provision (clause) did you think was the most fair or unfair. Use the
students answers to help you decide what information you should put in your own answer but make sure you give reasons for your
responses using your work from class and research you do at home.
im so sorry if it didint help
Your answer would be <span>B. Tariff is Import and Quota is Export
</span>Tariffs are taxes posed upon goods that are imported.
Vasco da Gama, conde da (de) Vidigueira (Sines, Portugal, ca. 1460/1469-Cochín, India, 24 de diciembre de 1524), fue un célebre navegante y explorador portugués. En la era de los descubrimientos destacó por haber sido el comandante de los primeros barcos que navegaron directamente desde Europa hasta la India, el viaje oceánico más largo realizado hasta ese momento.1 Al final de su vida, durante un breve período en 1524, fue gobernador de la India portuguesa con el título de virrey.