It serves as energy for the body the cells it helps carry out nerve ceel conduction muscle cell contraction, active transport and the production of chemical substances.
Answer: The building blocks of proteins are amino acids, which are small organic molecules that consist of carbon atoms linked to an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom, and a variable component called a side chain.
Los componentes básicos de las proteínas son los aminoácidos, que son pequeñas moléculas orgánicas que consisten en átomos de carbono unidos a un grupo amino, un grupo carboxilo, un átomo de hidrógeno y un componente variable llamado cadena lateral.
Evidence would the fossils they left in the grounds they found.
Polymorphic. Polymorphisms
refer to spasmodic genetic variation within the same species of an organism resulting in varying forms of the species. Polymorphic viruses, mutate at faster rates hence the virus
population is subject to high rates of turnovers. The high divergence of various
species, such as influenza, is as a result of 0.01 mutations per nucleotide site
per year.