Inter-rater reliability
Inter-rater reliability also called inter rater concordance or inter rater observer reliability measures the level of consistence of observers. In other words it measures how reliable observers are by comparing and measuring the level of agreement of the ratings of the different observers. In the example in the question you would use inter-rater reliability to measure how much the ratings of the observers of interpersonal aggressiveness agree and are therefore reliable.
In simple words, The Federalists presumed that this amendment was not appropriate since they thought that, as it stands, the Legislature restricted only the legislature, not the citizens. The Anti-Federalists argued that the Charter granted so much authority to the national government, and the population would be at threat of tyranny without a Bill of Rights.
United States, Germany and the Scandinavian coutries represent a low-context culture due to they have an explicit type of communication based on clear, defined and well-expressed information in the messages that are sent. It could be considered this way according to the explanations given by Edward T. Hall in his 1959 book called <em>The Silent Language. </em>