The correct answer is Eutrophication.
When a body of water become enriched with nutrients and minerals and induces growth of algae and plants is referred to as eutrophication.
The process of eutrophication can result to water body depletion.
When there is increase in nutrient levels there is increase in phytoplankton in the water body.
Discharge of nitrates which contain sewage, fertilizer, and detergents in aquatic system may induce the eutrophication.
Disease literally means being uncomfortable or at disturbed ease.
<h3><u>Acute </u><u>disease</u>:</h3>
Diseases that last for only very short periods of time are called acute diseases
<h3><u>Chronic </u><u>disease</u>:</h3>
Diseases that can last for a long time may be even for a lifetime are called chronic
<u>-TheUnknownScientist</u><u> 72</u>
A. Each half of the chromosome is genetically identical.
Turns into a gas? Not much context to work off of. I don't know what is exactly being asked.
Evan is a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a chemical symbol en
enzyme is produce by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical chemistry