Answer in BOLD
Most military people I have known believe the US Air Force is the safest branch to be in from a combat perspective. In the Army and Marines, the enlisted men do the vast majority of fighting, and, therefore, getting killed.
D.)increased migration of people for economic opportunity
Propaganda is used to try to make people think a certain way. Stories about bad things the Germans had done were told to make people angry and frightened so everyone would want Britain to beat them in the war.
Three ways that the civial war impacted plantation owners where by....
1.) The plantation owners could no longer use unpaid slave labor to plant and harvest their crops.
2.) The plantation owners lost a great deal of their wealth since they could no longer afford to bring crops to market.
3.)The wives of the plantation owners now had to be responsible for cooking, child-rearing, and cleaning that was previously done by the slaves.
Hope this helped!
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!
B, C
Fragmented means being broken into smaller piece and the answer to part B which is C is the only one where they break up anything.