Fairy penguins (Eudyptula minor), also known as little penguins, are tiny, slate-blue animals found along the coastlines of southern Australia and New Zealand. Not only are they more colorful than most aquatic birds, but they're also notably smaller, growing to be less than a foot tall and about 2.5 pounds.
Dust bowl resulted from extreme drying and loosening of the soil that resulted in soil erosion by wind. Thus, it can be related that poor agricultural practices like over plowing , over grazing and leaving the land barren are human activities that must have contributed to the dust bowl.
- Dust bowl is referred to a period in early twentieth century when the the American and Canadian prairies faced severe dust storms.
- These dust storms resulted from severe drought and failure of practices to prevent soil erosion.
- Several people and livestock died as a result of choking.
- Over plowing, removal of top soil and small grasses exposed the soil to eroding winds and caused the dust storms.
The correct answer is - species.
The extinct Caribbean monk seal was a species of seal that lived in a relatively small area in only one prat of the planet. Also, this species lived in waters that are not typical for the other seals. Because the Caribbean monk seal was isolated from the other species of seals, its genes over time became different enough from the other types of seals so that they can not mate and produce offspring between each other. While the isolation made it a unique type of seal, it was also very unfortunate because it meant that it can not be saved, at least in a mixed form, by mating with other seals, so this species of seal went extinct.
Isobars represent adjusted atmospheric pressure. This removes pressure discrepancies caused by the location's relation to sea level or altitude. Isobars are also adjusted when necessary so that they never cross or touch. Weather maps with isobars give pressure information at a glance. They also give an approximation of wind direction because wind moves from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas as large air masses move through the pressure differential.