A. They feared revolution would spread to their areas and challenge powers of their monarchies.
The goal of the French Revolution was to overthrow monarchs in France, and try to overthrow monarchs completely.
Do Paleolítico superior em diante, há ampla evidência de que os primeiros humanos usavam outros materiais além de pedra, como osso, chifre e marfim, como parte de seu kit de ferramentas. os ossos longos (ossos dos membros) dos animais podem ser divididos e moldados em ferramentas como furadores, picaretas e agulhas.
in the U.S. from becoming citizens
The exclusion act was meant to prohibit all Chinese citizens from immigrating to tue United States and becoming U.S. citizens.
Two modern states characterized by Spartan suppression of the individual are: Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, since these were very extractive and violent institutions (although Nazi Germany was worse).