You would have to transform the fractions to decimals by dividing. For the first one, if you divide 4 by 5 you get .8. To transform a decimal to percent you move the decimal place 2 times to the right or multiply by 100 (They both would give you the same thing)
6 seconds at 20 feet per second is 6x20= 120
She's was at 350 feet so she started at 350-120= 230 feet when she got on the elevator
The answer is
13-9 = 4ft
4/2 = 2ft
Length of the sides: √20 or 4.47ft
13+9+4.47+4.47 = 30.94ft
The answer is C
x = -25
Step-by-step explanation:
solve for x by simplifying both sides of the equation, then isolating the variable.