The elements are pure forms of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
Large crystals indicate that it cooled very quickly. If it cooled slowly, it would have time to settle down and make a nice smooth rock.
Definition-change in a population or species over time.
Lipid intake through diet is important for the infants as it helps in growth, development.Brain, retina and nerve tissues contain long chain PUFA(Poly unsaturated fatty acid) that is provided through the intake of lipids.
Dietary lipid is traditionally be consider as an important and essential nutrient for the infants as they provide many function in the body of infants They helps for proper growth and development of the infant.Thus selection of dietary lipid is important.Brain, and other neural tissue contain long chain poly unsaturated fatty acid that are important for producing eicosanoid. They are powerful mediators as they helps in different functions that are performed by cells and tissues.More over fat provide energy that are required for doing various physiological activities.
Se encuentran en las hojas y llevan a cabo la fotosíntesis y la respiración celular, junto con otros procesos metabólicos.
A menos que hables de una cierta parte de la célula vegetal (ejemplo: el cloroplasto o la pared celular) esta respuesta es correcta.
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