The answer to this problem I think it could be very wrong is A and C
Answer: In 1075, Pope Gregory VII composed the Dictatus Papae. One clause asserted that the deposal of an emperor was under the sole power of the pope. It declared that the Roman church was founded by God alone—that the papal power was the sole universal power.
Before Hand Knowledge: (explanation)
The impact of changing the way items were manufactured had a wide reach. Industries such as textile manufacturing, mining, glass making and agriculture all had undergone changes. For example, prior to the Industrial Revolution, textiles were primarily made of wool and were hand spun.
The Industrial Revolution changed the way things were made as new machines invented in the 1700s and 1800s meant it was possible to mass produce goods in factories. Starting in Britain and spreading through Europe and North America, a period of rapid social and economic change began, with widespread URBANIZATION.
manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using hand tools or basic machines. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass production.
Social Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better. Social Darwinism has been used to justify imperialism, racism, eugenics and social inequality at various times over the past century and a half.
Trusts took control over like the whole industry - literally.
This could become a huge risk over other small businesses. They made them run out of money, which lead to a decline, and eventually, the business would close.
Trusts basically went like this:
A guy takes control over what the industries do. He makes sure that their is no competition and runs the other's outa business. Sorta has to do with a monopoly.
Robber Baron did something similar to what Rockefeller did. He took control by using a trust in the oil industry, and became wealthy.