It is most likely due to the fact that the attenuation is the evolutionary relic, which by accident has remained does not support the actual reason of the dual control to regulate the operon.
Answer: Option E
In bacteria transcription and translation carries out at the same time so or the termination of transcription in premature phase in bacteria uses a special mechanism which is called as attenuation T.
he attenuation in bacteria is a regulatory mechanism. Trp operon is the group of codes of the components. These operons are the actual functioning group of the DNA.
Meteoroids are Smaller because they are fragments of a comet, or asteroid
They use a gene modification technique called CRIPSR-CAS9. The pigs have been given a gene that allows them to better regulate their own body temperature, whereby they burn fat, or at which animals consume their own fat.
British and Chinese scientists explained that they conducted the study by adding a mouse version of the UCP1 gene used for porcine embryos, which is used to regulate body temperature characteristic of most mammals, but not ordinary pigs.
It is problematic for pigs to maintain a stable body temperature, and this is especially complicated in pigs that are cold in the winter months because they have not been able to "store" fat.
Inserting the UCP2 gene could solve this problem.