One day Odysseus fell asleep, and Eurylochus convinced the men to eat the Cattle of the Sun: it's better to die at sea from the wrath of the gods, he said, than to die of hunger. Odysseus is furious and disappointed when he wakes up and finds that his crew has killed the cattle of the sun god.
hope this helps
Visitors to Actun Tunichil Muknal, a cave in Belize that serves <u>as an </u>archaeological site<u>, have</u> to swim to its entrance<u>.</u>
The sentence has four mistakes:
- It is missing a comma at the end of the relative clause. Without it, the sentence does not make sense. The word has that follows is referring to the archeological site, which grammatically is the correct verb for a singular person, but semantically it does not make sense.
- When we add the comma to clarify that "a cave in Belize that serves as an archaeological site" is extra information about Actun Tunichil Muknal, the verb has must be in the plural form (have) since it is referring to visitors.
- The clause "a cave in Belize that serves archaeological site" has missing words. First, the adverb as to signify that the cave equals an archeological site. Secondly, the indefinite article "an" The indefinite article means that Actun Tunichil Muknal belongs to the group of archeological sites.
- The last mistake is the closing punctuation at the end of the sentence.
I agree. Nice claim, keep going until everyone believes it.
He was casting quick, sideways glances in the direction the bus should be coming from, and his left foot beat a steady rhythm on the hot pavement.
ok will do!
Or else what? whatever i said im gonna do it so no need to worry