The cause of the Scopes Trial was disagreement about evolution.
One side thought that evolution should be taught in schools, while another side
said that it shouldn’t. It was also said that teaching of evolution was in
violation of Tennessee’s Butler Act which stated that it was unlawful to teach evolution
in any state-funded school.
It was purposely meant to also bring publicity, but in the
end, John Scopes was fined $100 dollars which is equivalent to over $1000
dollars today. Many of the people and reporters went to the “big-shot” lawyers involved
in the case so, the lawyers to morph the truth into anything they wished and
the public hung on to their words. One thing it teaches is that we need to look
at both sides because one side could be changed to what someone wants.
The early atmosphere on Earth was mostly carbon dioxide.
It was also poisonous and extremely hot.
Atmosphere is the gaseous envelope of a planet.
Today's atmospheric functions include sustaining life with oxygen, produced from plants; filtering harmful rays from the sun, helping in protecting the Earth from meteor collisions.
I think B. Provide a decent income
Answer: Annexation, war, expansion, shopping.
These are the essential elements of United States expansion. For this purpose, the United States annexed Texas. In 1803 the united states purchased from Lusiana from the French. In 1819, Spain thus surrendered the United States to Florida, and later, on the western borders of the continental United States, New Spain was replaced by independent Mexico. The famine for the new land was the cause of increasing conflict with Native American tribes, as well as the violent expulsion of Native Americans to areas west of the Mississippi River in 1830. Part of the American colonists also began to settle in the area under simple Mexican rule, including the city of present-day Texas.
In 1836, the settlers there started an insurgency against Mexico, and after a brief war, declared the independent Republic of Texas. In the case of Mexico, the accession of Texas to the United States led to the American-Mexican War (1846-1847). US forces defeated Mexico and forced it to hand over 42% of its territory, including California, to the Guadelupe Hidalgo Peace Treaty. On October 18, 1867, America bought Alaska from Russia and thus occupied this part of the country.