The easy part of your response is to assert confidently that you do consider yourself a success. Make sure you look the recruiter in the eye and sell the statement with a confident tone, but without bragging. The more challenging task, however, is to back up your assertion. It's important to provide the interviewer with evidence of how you achieved success in the workplace.
Provide one or two examples of times when you have set and met a professional goal. Briefly explain how you achieved each success – perhaps you overcame an obstacle, effectively managed a team, or budgeted your time effectively. The goal is to demonstrate your determination and willingness to take on challenges and achieve results.
You might also mention successes you hope to achieve in the future or are currently working to achieve. For example, if you mention your successful sales record, you may also want to explain how you hope to improve upon that success in the future. It will demonstrate that you are hungry for new challenges in the new position.
Mistakes are a key part of discovery. If we didn't make mistakes we would never know the difference between right and wrong whether it is in science or in life. How would we know how the world worked without mistaken theories and learning off of those to create a correct understanding of the world around us. If we didn't make mistakes with the people we know and care for then we wouldn't have created the definition of the golden rule. Mistakes are the key to discovery in so many things. There is so much unknown but with our mistakes, we will be able to find out so much more
Because Dally was being rude at the drive in
You move vertically on the y-axis.
E - It allows the author to identify the problems that existed in the previous research.
As the excerpt states in the beginning: " Our thinking, perception, and ability to understand language are processed in the outermost layer of the brain. This area is known as the cerebral cortex. Researchers are still working to understand how the cerebral cortex is organized. Scientists have used a variety of techniques to map the brain's organization over the past century. However, these measures don't always reveal the same boundaries and borders in the brain's landscape." This tells up that there were problems before hand. Which goes with B.