The correct answer is True
Explanation: When the speaker gets the audience's attention it means that he has made the agenda relevant and interesting for the audience, it is very difficult to get the audience to reach that moment of full interest to what the speaker will say.
The experimental group
In every research or experiment, there is always an experimental group and control group.
Experimental Group is simply the group in ang scientific experiment where the experimental procedure is being carried out upon. This group is exposed to the independent variable being tested and the changes are therefore observed and recorded for research purposes. It is known to receive some type of special treatment in relations to the independent variable.
They can also have multiple experimental groups such as high rate and low rate.
Here is the correct answer that would best complete the given statement above. <span>A thorough study conducted in newark regarding foot patrols concluded that adding foot patrol: </span>did not affect serious crime, but did have a positive impact on public perception of the police. Newark foot patrol experiment was conducted from 1978-1979. Hope this answer helps.