As a result of mitosis, each of your body cells is
c. is genetically identical to all others
During cellular division, the chromosomes, that have already duplicated, condense and fasten to spindle fibers that pull one copy of every body to opposite sides of the cell. The result's 2 genetically identical daughter nuclei. the remainder of the cell might then still divide by organic process to supply 2 daughter cells.
It gives you a generic understanding of how the sequence of events will go.
The highest power objective because you will see the specimen perfectly
Stimulus: You get an injury.
Response: Your body begins to heal and recover.
Answer: forgive me for not answering but where is the correlation between someone having a low level of melanin in their skin and being susceptible to herpes. Now that I’ve said that the best answer I can think of is epidermal dendritic cells.