It has been suggested that these kinds of lesions may be indicative of fighting with other members of its species or the attacks of predators
The Neandertals were exposed to very hard environmental conditions, thereby these lesions may be indicative of such conditions to which this species was exposed.
You could prevent it by not seeing it as much
The correct answer will be option-Thalamus
The somatosensory pathway is the pathway which sends the receptor generated sensory impulses mostly the temperature and touch to the central nervous system.
The pathway is composed of three types of neurons called primary order neuron, second-order neuron and tertiary order neuron.
The second-order neuron receives the signals from the first-order neurons and carries the signals to the relay part of the brain called thalamus. The thalamus is present in the forebrain region of the brain where it receives, analyses and sends the signals to the different region of the cerebral cortex.
Thus, the thalamus is the correct answer.