Image result for what is the name of the fields in an x.509 digital certificate that are used when the parties negotiate a secure connection?
Common applications of X. 509 certificates include SSL/TLS and HTTPS for authenticated and encrypted web browsing, signed and encrypted email via the S/MIME protocol, code signing, document signing, client authentication, and government-issued electronic ID.
Voter registration lists, also called voter rolls, are the gateway to voting because a citizen typically cannot cast a vote that will count unless his or her name appears on the voter registration rolls. State and local officials regularly remove—or purge—citizens from voter rolls. In fact, 39 states and the District of Columbiareported purging more than 13 million voters from registration rolls between 2004 and 2006.
lectronic Health Record (EHR) Software. ...
Medical database software. ...
Medical research software. ...
Medical diagnosis software. ...
Medical imaging software. ...
E-prescribing software. ...
Telemedicine software. ...
Appointment scheduling (booking) software.
Oracle doc...
7.3.4 Copying a Database Application Page
You can copy a page from the current application or from another application. During the copy process, you can also copy shared components or change mappings to shared components in the target application.
To copy a page:
Navigate to the application you want to copy to:
Navigate to the Workspace home page.
Click the Application Builder icon.
Select an application.
Select a page.
The Page Definition appears.
In Tree view:
Under Page Rendering, select the page name.
Right-click and select copy.
In Component view:
Under Page, click the Copy icon.
For Copy Page Option, select one of the following:
Page in this application
Page in another application
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Linear search
You implement this algorithm by iterating over each item, and checking if the item matches what you are searching for.
It is linear because it takes a linear amount of time to search for an item.