<span>Vinny might be able to force the completion of the project. If the two had a written agreement that has not been violated or made conditionally null, then Spud could be legally obligated to complete the project, dependent on the interpretation of the contract by the court.</span>
The correct answer is "Evasion plan of action"
The evasion plan of action (Epa) is used to predict the chances of succesful situations, actions and movements of the opposition. If you know it, you could generate an advantage.
see below
Operating expenses are the cost a business incurs while engaging in its normal business operations. They are the costs not directly be attached to the production process. A business incurs operating expenses in managing it day to day activities. They exclude one time expenses such as judgment cost, accounts adjustments, and other non-recurring costs.
Operating expenses are classified into administrative, selling, and general expenses. Businesses cannot avoid operating expenses; hence the management should strive to keep them as low as possible. Examples of operating expenses include rent, salaries, employee benefits, transport, depreciation, repairs, taxes, sales commissions, amortization, and pension contributions.
Letter B is correct.<u> Method of authotity.</u>
The method of acquiring knowledge by authority is one of the most widespread ways of obtaining knowledge in society. It is characterized as the implementation and learning of a new idea or belief because some authority figure affirmed a certain concept as true, which ensures greater reliability. and acceptance. As examples of authorities, we can mention: doctors, teachers, bosses, government, parents and others.
But in an ideal scenario it is important to analyze what methods and sources the authority figures have determined for a conclusion about something, one should seek to exercise critical sense to rationalize the beliefs and decisions that are imposed as truth. .
Answer: A. A QR code that is scanned and decodes information directly on the phone
This is the best option as QR codes are usually inserted into print media to give more information about something when they are scanned. They can even be used to give discounts.
Human technology has not reached the point where either pop-ups, interactive content, or image projections can appear on print media so options B through E are wrong.