To maintain pressure within plant cells and keep structure while growth ensues. Good luck, milady. *Tips his fedora*
I think the hormone would be testosterone, it would be subjectively deemed useless in times other than procreation. I would suggest that the important hormone is the growth hormone Thank you for your question.
The adhesion and cohesion property of the water helps a plant to thrive.
The adhesion and cohesion property of the water is the two most important properties of water that regulate how water will work at different places of a plant. When water gets attracted to water then we can call it cohesion.
When water gets attracted to other substances then we can call it adhesion. In different part of the plants like roots, stem and leaves water reaches there by capillary action and works differently based on adhesion and cohesion property
3 francine
The four nitrogenous bases that compose DNA nucleotides are shown in bright colors: adenine (A, green), thymine (T, red), cytosine (C, orange), and guanine (G, blue). francine is not one of them