The government can not role in private bc he/she is public to everyone
The correct answer choices should be A.) The maniple was a flexible military unit and C.) The Roman soldiers built roads and bridges. Hope this helped!
Forward contract
forward contract is a non-standardized contract between two individuals (the buyer and seller) who agree to buy and sell a good on a future date at a specific price. Unlike the future contract, forward contract is not standardized and parties can easily breach agreements made because it is traded over the counter thus the risk is high.
Answer: When an agreement in price has been reached
Explanation: The best stage to ask such question is when both Morris and delis supermarket has reached an agreement in price of the new machine. The first stage of discussion is
1. Identification of the machine, if it actually replaces the the old machine and it can perform the same operation as the old one.
2. After identification, the next stage is price negotiation, the price or the machine must reach an agreement before a schedule delivery can be put in place.