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Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst before implantation. These cells have potential of treating a wide range of diseases and conditions, which is attributed to the fact that they have; self renewal property meaning that they can ploriferate indefinitely, the cells also have the special ability to differentiate into cells with specialized characteristics and functions. In addition the cells are unspecialized and therefore they can give rise to specialized cells.
A good extraction solvent should have a strong solubilizing capability for the compound of interest, it should be immiscible or only weakly misciblewith the matrix solvent ( the first solution or mixture containing the compound from its natural source, e.g., water/ether. water/ chloroform, etc. If possible the extraction solvent should be non-flammable, non-toxic or of low toxicity, reasonably volatile, and of low eco-impact. Inexpensive and available, of high purity , and shelf stable. If one is determining the compound of interest by UV/Vis spectrophotometry or fluorescence, the solvent should have extremely low absobance or emission at the wavelength of analysis
• high solubility for the solute and low solubility for the carrier liquid.
• density difference vs. the carrier liquid greater than 150 kg/m. ...
• mid-level interfacial tension (5–30 dyne/cm)
• high resistance to thermal degradation.
<span>D) Daughter cells contain the same genetic information as parent cells.</span>
After DNA replication, each chromosome now consists of two physically attached sister chromatids. After chromosome condensation, the chromosomes condense to form compact structures (still made up of two chromatids). ... The two copies of a chromosome are called sister chromatids