A domesticate is when you get an animal and keep it for farm produce.
For example, you get a chicken to produce eggs for your farm.
They require schooling at least up to 8th grade
They also restrict where, what, and how you learn.
The jungle terrain and bad weather made it difficult for the American forces fighting in Vietnam. This is because it allowed the Vietcong to successfully use guerrilla warfare strategies and to lay traps. Later, tunnels were found under the jungles which helped them avoid bombs
Many European countries had what was referred to as a "Sphere of Influence" in China at this time. So, Secretary of State, John Hay, created an open door policy to allow all countries equal privileges in trade.
Four Elements of Social Structure
Four of these – the family, economic institutions, political institutions and religious institutions – centre upon getting food and other items of wealth, procreation, worship and ruling. The community, the total organized life of a locality, is the most inclusive spontaneous grouping in the social structure.