The Greek were at war with the persians
The racial profiling and perceived unjustified shooting of African Americans by police has been epitomized by the kneeling of athletes during national anthem.
Racism is an entrenched problem in the United States, not the least as a legacy of the practice of slavery. This has led to frequent racial attacks and discrimination against people of color, including African Americans.
One manifestation of this is racial profiling, which is the tendency to linked people of particular ethnic and racial backgrounds as prone to commit crimes. The unjustified shooting of African Americans has been a result of this attitude.
Kneeling on one knee when the US national anthem is being played is one in which American athletes have been protesting against these injustices. Opinions are divided. Some dismiss these as unpatriotic acts and disrespectful, while others have praised the effect of these forms of protests and see it as patriotic.
To learn more about racial profiling :
There were estimated nine divisions that took part in the invasion of Normandy at the course of the D-Day. In addition, the amphibious assault has become one of the turning points of the Second World War that hastened the defeat of Germany and its allies. The success of the invasion paved way for the Allied fronts to attack the centre of the German Reich, Berlin.
its in Africa, not Europe, it flowa through Egypt and other African countries
The USA became involved in Vietnam because it feared the spread of communism.