Brazil is definitely going to win
Rosetta stone which was written in 3 languages including Greek
The shoes, the house falling on he witch, and the emerald city
In general, the cargo. If there's a few boxes and barrels, then their trip would've been relatively short, as opposed to lots of boxes and barrels, which would indicate a longer trip.
Although, if the ship looks absolutely wrecked, the amount of cargo won't indicate the length of the trip, as extra cargo tends to be thrown off in a storm so as to lighten the boat.
Now, some specific things on the ship would show more details of the trip on that now-sunken ship would have been like.
For example, the amount of barrels containing gunpowder (not that it would've been
preserved; the water would've gotten in at some point) is indicative of their expectancy of pirates, or other ne'er-do-well's on the sea.
The crew's quarters (or lack thereof) would help to show how well (or not) they lived.
Another would be the things that wouldn't (or would) have been on the ship from their port of origin; treasure, etc. Maybe they have spices, or gold, or ceramics. This would show where the ship had been going (or coming from).
Forests have an abundance of trees, which provides oxygen for us to breathe, while also collecting the carbon dioxide in the air. It is also home to many species of animals, such as squirrels. This is why it is important to protect the forest ecosystem.