Luminosity or magnitude of energy brightness
Biology overlaps with chemistry in studying the structure and functions of activities at the molecular level. The principles of chemistry are useful in cell biology because all living cells consist of chemicals and various chemical processes take place in many living organisms.
The type of control is described by the response of the operon when no regulatory protein is extant. In the case of negative regulator, the genes in the operon are distinct unless they are switched off by a repressor protein. Therefore the operon will be turned on essential (the genes will be prcise) when the repressor in inactived. In the case of positive control, the genes are distinct only when an active regulator protein, an activator, is present, Thus the operon will be turned off when the positive regulatory protein is missing or inactivated.
Microorganisms that live in severe habitats, such as very
hot, acidic, or salty environments are called extremophiles, which are
bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. They are the most successful organisms
because they can adapt in any environment. They can live in oceans, rivers,
soil, and even inside a human’s body.