create a report that displays back tge total sales by country
<span>The Standard and Datacenter editions.</span>
The coordinates for the section element need not be defined as long as its position is set to relative.
If the position is set as relative, then it will have no effect on the positioning attributes, it will consider as static position. If positioning is mentioned explicitly like top: 20px; then it will position 10 pixels down from where it is located. An ability for positional shifts is extremely helpful.
Two things happen when an element is set as relative, one is it introduces the ability to use z-index on that element, second is it limits the scope of absolutely positioned child elements.
Rootkit is a collection of software tools,mostly malicious.These are mostly used by hackers to obtain administrator permission to a computer by masking intrusion.
Root-kit is made from two word Root and kit.Where root refers to the name of privileged account on an operating system that is somewhat like unix and KIT refers to the tools used.
The algorithm to find A is even or odd.
- input A.
- Check the remainder on diving by 2 by A%2.
- If remainder is 1 then A is odd Print(Odd).
- If remainder is 0 print(Even).
To check if the number is even or odd we use modulo operator(%).Which gives the remainder on dividing.So if we do this A%2 it will give the remainder that will come out on dividing the value of A by 2.
So if the remainder comes out is 1 then the number is odd and if the remainder is 0 then the number is odd.