The vinegar contains acetic acid, so when the raw egg is
dissolved in the vinegar, there will be an instant formation of bubbles as the
raw egg’s shell will dissolve, as the contents of the insides of the egg will
be rubbery and would be unable to be eaten or consumed.
I don't to be honest I barely past health with a b+
Skeletal muscle! (or striated muscle).
The ribosomes
Ribosomes are the organelle that produce proteins within eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells- taking information from the DNA in order to produce proteins.
Other organelles may be held responsible for the lack of protein production, but in this case it is most likely the ribosome.
The genetic fault that usually causes colour vision deficiency is passed on in what's known as an X-linked inheritance pattern.
This means:
1) it mainly affects boys, but can affect girls in some cases
2) girls are usually carriers of the genetic fault – this means they can pass it on to their children, but do not have a colour vision deficiency themselves
3) it's usually passed on by a mother to her son – the mother will often be unaffected as she'll normally just be a carrier of the genetic fault
4) fathers with a colour vision deficiency will not have children with the problem unless their partner is a carrier of the genetic fault
5) it can often skip a generation – for example, it may affect a grandfather and their grandson
6) girls are only affected if their father has a colour vision deficiency and their mother is a carrier of the genetic fault