<u>Visual weight</u> attracts attention and adds spatial depth to a two-dimension design.
Visual weight is a measure of the force a piece of art exerts on a viewer/ observer.When a piece of art attracts the eye more, we say the visual weight of that element is higher.Visual weight is measured by observing some features like size, color, position, orientation, shape and texture.
A large art piece will have more visual weight than a small art piece.Warm color such as red has more visual weight more than cool color such as yellow because warm colors tend to occupy the foreground in art pieces.Elements in an art piece that occupy the foreground have more visual weight than those occupying the background.Diminishing the size of an object on the art piece can help you attain spatial depth.
Best of Luck.
def power(base, expo):
if expo == 0:
return 1
return base * power(base, expo-1)
*The code is in Python.
Create a method called power that takes base and expo as parameters
Check if the expo is equal to 0. If it is return 1 (This is our base case for the method, where it stops. This way our method will call itself "expo" times). If expo is not 0, return base * power(base, expo-1). (Call the method itself, decrease the expo by 1 in each call and multiply the base)
Cc stands for " carbon copy " and Bcc stands for " Blind carbon copy ". The difference between Cc and Bcc is that carbon copy (CC) recipients are visible to all other recipients whereas those who are BCCed are not visible to anyone.
The layouts that gives your form or report a unique and different appearance by controlling and arranging align vertically and horizontally is known as Control layouts.
There are two primary options of control layout, these are as follows:
- Stacked: In this, controls are arranged in vertical from (paper form) and in left of each control having a label.
- Tabular: In this, controls are arranged in the form of rows and columns (like spreadsheets) and across the top having a label.
I think the answer is WAN (wide area network)