Singular and third person
Second person: this answer is not correct as second person refers to pronouns such as “you, yourself” like in a recipe.
Singular: this is correct as a singular verb is when there is only one subject. You can also tell it’s a singular verb as the present tense ends with a “s”.
Plural: this is not plural because there is only one subject. Plus the present tense of the verb ends with an s so it’s not a plural verb. Plural verb’s present tense never ends with an s.
Third person: this is correct because the subject of the sentence is someone else. Third person pronouns include: “her, she, he, him, they, then” basically, third person is when you talk about someone else.
First person: this answer is not correct because first person refers to one’s self. So first person pronouns are: “I, me, myself”