She was born on December 22, 1993, which means that she is 21 years old.
She was born in Nantucket, MA (Massachusetts).
The correct answer is The needs that motivate the media use.
The Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) aims to understand the motivations of people to seek out the media and explore the needs that they are trying to fulfill while doing it. It assumes that individuals have power over media usage and not the other way around.
The main objective of the theory is to unveil and understand the needs that media usage fulfills in individuals.
There was no unified state that could grow all parts of life equally so they had to depend on trade in order to get goods that they needed from each other since they couldn't develop all parts of production or manufacture. Ones would for example have a developed pottery industry while the others would have mastered making Olive oil so they would trade in order to get what they needed because they couldn't make it on their own.