This was Tenochtitlan, which is was turned into today's Mexico City after the conquest.
Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital, located on an island on the lake Texcoco, which was drained and where today's Mexico City is located.
After teaching a group of students about bisphosphonates, the students demonstrate understanding of the information when they identify which drug for example Pamidronate.
Bisphosphonates are a group of medicines used to treat bone problems, called osteopenia or osteoporosis, which are conditions associated with thin or fragile bones that are at increased risk for fracture.
Bisphosphonates, also known as diphosphonates, are a class of drugs that have been used commonly for more than two decades for treatment. Side effects for all the bisphosphonates (alendronate, ibandronate, risedronate, and zoledronic acid) may include bone, joint, or muscle pain.
learn more about Bisphosphonates here
<em>75% of the states must approve before it is passed</em>
<em>That or more </em>
<em>Hope this is helpful</em>
In this scenario, it can be said that based on Gina's observations she should immediately file a report with her principal or counselor since Joey could be suffering from abuse or neglect. If Gina believes this is the case after observing Joey every day then it is her obligation to report it in order for someone with authority to open an investigation, and hopefully help the child.
Relational testing
Relational testing refers to subjecting a relationship to series of test in order to know if a relationship is meant to last. These tests are aimed at developing relationships and ensuring compatibility between partners.
Example of relational testing includes the money test, desirability test, family test, loyalty test, self test, in-sickness test, and communication test. Relationship growth and survival will be determined if partners passes or fails these tests.