En la cultura inca la educación estaba reservada para los nobles. Seimpartía en las escuelas de su capital, Cuzco, las cuales recibían elnombre deyacha huaci. En ellas se instruía a los jóvenes desde laadolescencia, y se les preparaba para ser sacerdotes o dirigentes.Durante cuatro años estudiaban matemáticas, historia, política,astronomía, medicina y el manejo de los quipu. Los encargadosde la enseñanza eran losamautas, que en lengua quechua significa“maestro” o “sabio”. Ellos eran ayudados por losharavicuso poe-tas, que preparaban lecciones en verso para que los alumnos lasmemorizaran.A las mujeres nobles, que se instruían en elacllahuasio escuela,se les llamabaacllaso “mujeres escogidas”, las cuales eran seleccio-nadas por su belleza; estaban destinadas a los servicios religiososy se les enseñaba a confeccionar finas vestimentas. En ciertas cir-cunstancias, el sapa inca las entregaba como esposas a los más altosdignatarios del gobierno.El resto de los niños no asistía a la escuela, así que eran educa-dos por sus padres. Aprendían a cultivar, cazar y elaborar objetos decerámica, mientras que a las niñas se les enseñaba a tejer, cocinar yhacer labores de limpieza
Roosevelt was indicating that he wanted to protect American workers (with unemployment insurance), but was not encouraging that persons receive government handouts as a perpetual way of life ("the dole").
The expression, "being on the dole," came into use in Britain after World War I, as slang for receiving unemployment benefits, or money being "doled out" by the government. Frances Perkins, who became Secretary of Labor for the Roosevelt Administration, recalled how Roosevelt had included that line already in a speech as a candidate for the presidency in 1932. She noted that Roosevelt's words were subtly attractive to voters. When he said, "I am for unemployment insurance but not for the dole," it signaled a commitment of his candidacy toward helping the unemployed. "It created a great interest and a great enthusiasm among the voters," she said, and they worked to get such ideas into the Democratic Party's national platform.
Incidentally, Frances Perkins was the first woman to serve in a cabinet position for the US government.
95% average accuracy. The 1830s and 1848 are called as the year of revolutions in Europe. French liberals and French radicals both aimed to kick Charles X off of the throne and rebuild the government. The Frankfurt Assembly revolution of 1848 was a complete failure.