Finding the latitude and longitude of Mexico city is very simple. You only have too find the nearest latitude marker, which is 20 degrees North, and the nearest longitude marker, which is 100 degrees West. From there, in any sufficiently large physical map, or more commonly, in a visual map software, the more specific coordinates can be found.
In the case of Mexico city, the exact latitude is 19.4 degrees North, and the exact longitude is 99.1 degrees West.
So in the War of 1812 America is utterly unsuccessful in gaining any land, however in the Mexican American War all the land we hoped for at the beginning of the war we have almost no problem in obtaining. We were so successful in the Mexican American war that the Mexican government invite Santa Ana to come back because of the incompetence of their current generals. However, one big similarity is the creation of extremely popular war heroes. Andrew Jackson in the war of 1812, and later on Zachary Taylor in the Mexican American War.
I think only white people that owned land
someone who is native of, or descends from, Mexico and who lives in the United States.
Americans and India gained access to the land
the pigrim are the most famous