Pavlov's dog stopped salivating to the bell when the food was no longer paired with the bell. This is called:
Knowledge of the relationship between the size (volume) of cells and their surface area helps explain the process of diffusion. Agar blocks and cells with the largest surface area to volume ratio (the smaller cubes) have the highest diffusion rates.
Amyloidosis. Anemia. Transplantasi Darah dan Sumsum. Hemofilia. Trombositopenia imun. Leukemia.
<em>ATP</em> or <em>Adenosine triphosphate</em> is the chief compounds which are used by the living things to store energy.
<em>ATP</em> is the compound that captures the chemical energy released through the degradation of food. It <em>stores</em> the captured energy and <em>releases</em> it at the time of need experienced by the organism.
It is made up of adenine, ribose sugar, and a phosphate group. It is produced in a cell organelle called <em>mitochondria</em> through a process called <em>respiration</em>.