We need to find how many 1/4 groups are in 1 1/2.
I work better with decimals, so I'll just convert them into decimals. We're dividing to see how many people we need.
So, you'll need 6 runners for the relay race.
1 and -4
Step-by-step explanation:
cause when you factor the equation its (x-1)(x+4)
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
You can use divisibility rules to find the small prime factors.
The number ends in 5, so is divisible by 5.
795/5 = 159
The sum of digits is 1+5+9 = 15; 1+5 = 6, a number divisible by 3, so 3 is a factor.
159/3 = 53 . . . . . a prime number,* so we're done.
795 = 3×5×53
* If this were not prime, it would be divisible by a prime less than its square root. √53 ≈ 7.3. We know it is not divisible by 2, 3, or 5. We also know the closest multiples of 7 are 49 and 56, so it is not divisible by 7. Hence 53 is prime.