B) because there was a possibility of their whole day being ruined because of the rain.
Answer: Foreshadowing is when the author gives hints on what is going to happen next in the story.
Explanation: The literary device of foreshadowing is when the author uses hints to give the reader an idea of what will come later in the story. This can be obvious or more subtle and can become more apparent as the story goes on.
Authors use foreshadowing for purposes of building suspense, which makes the reader want to continue.
Answer: Lee was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a U.S. civilian can receive (Pagona 32).
- Plagiarism, in general, is a term for using other people's ideas as your own, without citing the source. The rule is that, if we want to include quotes from other works in our own work, we need to both include the quotation marks and acknowledge the source.
- Depending on the citation style that we opt for, we can acknowledge the source either in the text itself, in a footnote or in a list of references. However, regardless of the style, we must always include the quotation marks when we repeat the exact words of an author (if we paraphrase them, we do not put the quotation marks).
- <u> In the case above, the quotation marks are not used, which is why we consider it a plagiarism.</u>
Answer: a b and d
Allowing her privacy to independently develop her mind;allowing her to freely express her passions and Her autonomy would be sacrifiedare the three staments that best describe Jane's expectations about marriage to St. John. She clearly explains in the paragraph that as his wife, she would be forced to be always at his side, restrained. She foresees that she would be made to keep her true nature low, her “fire” would have to burn inwardly and would eventually consume her.
Air is a bad conductor of electricity so whatever is closest that will get the lightening to the ground first, it strikes. Therefore, the lightening would sense the tall pole first, and use it as it's conductor.