D. Businesses will suffer from decreased sales and profits, eventually leading to closure.
An economic recession is defined as a significant decline in economic activity during several months in a row, and whose impacts can be seen in economic indicators like unemployment rate or gross domestic product.
During an economic recession, economic activity actually falls, meaning that the amount of either consumption, investment, exports, imports, or government spending decreases, leading to job losses, income reduction, loss of confidence in the economy, closure of firms, and falls in the tax revenue that the government obtains from economic agents.
The Oregon boundary dispute or the Oregon Question was a 19th-century territorial dispute over the political division of the Pacific Northwest of North America
Thomas Paine (Thetford, Norfolk, 29 de enero de 1737-Nueva York, 8 de julio de 1809) fue un político, escritor, filósofo, intelectual radical y revolucionario de origen inglés.
In WW1 soldiers faced a lot of threats in the trenches , the worst would be disease